Page 62 - Pure Life 38
P. 62

Mulla Ṣadrā's Moral Realism… H. Mohiti Ardakan (61

                       can  a  human  being  reach  the          activity,  and  except  for  a  few
                       highest  level  of  happiness,  or        people  whose  eyes  have  been

                       may he fall to the lowest level           opened in this world, they are
                       of  morality  and  sometimes  be          unaware  of  this  fact.  (Mulla
                       dragged  into  the  abyss  of             Ṣadrā,  1981b:  229-230;  Ibid,

                       immorality  or  anti-morality?            1984: 553)
                       Mulla Ṣadrā has answered this                Therefore, the connection of the
                       question in several positions of          soul  with  each  of  the  different

                       his  works.  In  his  opinion,  the       levels  can  be  effective  in  its
                       human  soul,  while  being                belonging  or  disconnection  to
                       single, simple, and immaterial,           the  world  and  worldly  affairs,

                       is the origin of all-natural and          and consequently, the position
                       animal  actions  and  movements,          of the soul among the different
                       and the soul's faculties play the         levels of happiness.
                       role of preparatory cause. This              It  is  worth  mentioning  that

                       statement means that whenever             the levels of moral reality are not
                       there is perception or stimulation,       limited  to  the  three  mentioned

                       the human  soul is active  at that        levels.  There  are  many  levels
                       level.                                    between happiness and  misery.
                         For  example,  in  seeing,              Each  stage  of  this  reality  can
                       hearing,  and  thinking,  it  is  the     also  be  depicted  as  the  stage.

                       human soul that is placed in the          The  example  of  true  human
                       rank  of  faculty  of  seeing,            happiness, which is associated
                       hearing, and intellect, and when          with  entering  heaven  and

                       it  is  provoked  to  appetitive          enjoying  divine  blessings,  has
                       affairs, anger, or enthusiasm for         several levels. The lowest level
                       doing good deeds, it is the soul          of  intellectual  happiness  of

                       that  works  in  the  rank  of            people  is  to  know  God,
                       appetitive  and  irascible  or            creation,  and  God's  attributes
                       intellectual faculties.                   like  knowledge,  will,  and

                         Accordingly,        a    person         power,  as  well  as  active
                       changes  and  diversifies  at             intellects,  i.e.,  the  angels,  to
                       every  moment  based  on  his             know  the  system  of  creatures
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