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Playing the Gospel of Video Games  /99

                   The  most  recent  addition  to  the  gaming  world  is  live
               streaming and videos. People record themselves playing games
               and stream the actions of their character along with their real
               life actions to a streaming website. The most popular of which
               is  Twitch.  While  some  may  view  the  popular  streamers  as
               mere  entertainers,  it  is  undeniable  that  they  have  amassed  a
               large followership that watches them religiously.
                   Some  watch  for  educational  reasons,  some  for
               entertainment; most important is the fact that people now
               spend  time  watching  people  play  games  rather  than
               playing the games themselves.
                   ’This relationship is like a church! The religious head
               leads the service, and the congregation follows along. The
               Twitch  streamer,  much  like  the  religious  head,  engages
               with  and  leads  his  or  her  congregation  of  followers
               through the religiously inspired games. His or her viewers
               follow along and engage the streamer through the Twitch
               chat  function.  Live  streaming  has  literally  become  a
               religious service for video games.
                   At the very least, this relationship is equivalent to the
               televangelists, preachers that broadcast their services over
               live television.”
               Religious Education and Worship Service via Gaming
               Can  video  games  do  religious  work?  Certainly,  the
               evangelical  Christian community  thinks  so.  For  decades,
               game  designers  have  labored  to  leverage  the  power  of
               video games for readable conversation among academics,
               industry leaders, and community members, including the
               Digital  Games  religious  education  in  the  evangelical
               Christian tradition.

               1. Boren, 2016, p. 52.
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