Page 11 - Pure Life 11
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               10  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
               As  the  most  important  social  institution,  Family  is
               increasingly  important  in  social  harms.  Media  as  a
               powerful  tool  affects  thinking  and  attitudes  of  couples
               and  influences  parent  children  relationship.  Media  can
               have  negative  influence  on  all  members  of  the  society,
               however the influence of media is greatest on institutions
               like family.
                  Media uses various tools for creation of programs and
               can  present  concepts  in  diverse  forms  and  interesting
               modes  to  viewers.  In  the  present  era,  families  are  faced
               with numerous problems such as a sharp decline in having
               children,  filiarchy,  working  mothers  and  a  shift  in  the
               roles played by men and women.
                  A  shift  in  the  role  played  by  women  in  society
               alongside  other  social  factors  have  caused  a  massive
               change in the family structure. These changes have been
               brought  up  by  various  factors  and  agents,  an  important
               and effective of which is media. All these alterations can
               be categorized in two broad classifications.
                  Some of the changes are favorable and positive such as
               an  increase  in  the  awareness  of  family  members  toward
               general  health  improvement,  mental  and  spiritual  health
               improvement,  a  reform  in  personal  and  group  behavior,
                  Negative  changes  are  as  follows:  increase  in  divorce
               rate, domestic violence and social crimes or misconducts.
               Media can exert considerable influence on issues such as
               child upbringing and internal family conflicts.
                  A thorough investigation of the consequence of media
               and its opportunities and threats in all these domains can
               provide a clear perspective for the condition and function
               of family in the present era.
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