Page 14 - Pure Life 11
P. 14

Modern Media and Changing the Functions of Family /13

                   6.  Technological improvement: attention to unprecedented
                      technological improvements in industrial products
                   7.  Democracy and justice: a belief in the fact that all
                      human being regardless of their religions, race and
                      ethnicity are born equal.
                   8.  Capitalism: attention to capitalism and laissez faire
                      a free economy.
                   9.    Individualism: a belief in originality of individuals and
                      a belief in precedence of individuals over economy.
                   10. Secularism:  the  governance  of  scientific  and  non-
                      religious  leaders,  and  seclusion  of  religious
                      authority  from  social  arenas  and  spread  of  a
                      material and worldly culture.

               The Effect of Media on Functions of Family

                   1.  Media, Family and Child Upbringing
               Family plays the most important role in child upbringing.
               As  a  matter  of  fact,  beliefs,  religious  ideas  and
               socialization are first formed in the family institution.
                  In the words of Kohn, a direct result of industrialization
               was  to  bring  huge  changes  to  family  structure  and  the
               most  important  consequence  was  the  transition  from  a
               traditional  family  to  a  civil  industrial  family.  Gradually
               extended families of the past decades were substituted by
               nuclear families of the modern era.
                  As a result, families gave the role of child upbringing to
               schools and educational institutions, it can be argued that
               profit  seeking  replaced  passion  and  merits  replaced
               moralities in the family circle, the traditional families with
               their  traditional  functions  have  been  marginalized  in  the
               modern era.
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