Page 13 - Pure Life 11
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               12  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                  The  term  modernism  refers  to  innovativeness  and
               regeneration.  Modernism  was  first  conceived  of  in  the
               works  of  Jean  Jacques  Russo  in  18   century.  Then  it
               became  popular  in  the  works  of  Russo’s  contemporary
               writers. Modernism denotes a state of being or quality of,
               characteristic or experience of being modern or belonging
               to  the  modern  era.  It  suggests  newness,  innovativeness
               and unprecedentedness in a way that it breaks up with the
               past, discontinues with the past experience and enters the
               approaching future.
                  The scope of modernism is includes attitudes and ideas,
               innovativeness,  newness  and  creativity,  pioneering,
               improvement  and  advancements,  growth,  and  evolution,
               current  taste  of  society  and  fashion.  The  opposite  of
               modernity is past-longing, obsolete–cherishing, recession,
               backwardness,  and  being  old-fashioned.  Modernism  has
               principles and components as follows:
                   1.  Experimentalism:  in  other  words,  paying  attention
                      and focusing on experience in any research and in
                      human and natural sciences without any attention to
                      philosophical and intellectual issues.
                   2.  Humanism:  A  firm  belief  in  centrality  of  human
                      beings in all affairs and issues.
                   3.  Rationalism: a belief that states human thinking is
                      capable of managing everyday affairs independent
                      of divine revelations and teachings, and that human
                      beings  are  capable  of  comprehending  and  solving
                      all problems.
                   4.  Liberalism: seeking freedom outside the framework
                      provided by religion.
                   5.  Welfare and civilization: stands for an elevation in
                      the  level  of  material  life  and  welfare  of  societies
                      and improvement of culture.
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