Page 36 - Pure Life 11
P. 36

Modern Media and Changing the Functions of Family /35

                  In fact, the role played by media is that it can weaken
               or  strengthen  the  common  norms  and  values  of  the
               society.  When  one’s  beliefs  and  standards  are  weakened
               vis-à-vis a certain issue, a form of behavioral nonchalance
               starts to happen, so that the person sees himself liberated
               from  the  restrictions  and  limitations  of  the  past.  If  one
               firmly believes that certain deviational behaviors are not
               acceptable,  then  taking  part  in  that  action  will  become
               unimaginable for that person.  1
                  Thompson  argues  that  the  effect  of  family,  peers  and
               gangs on crimes is a lot more powerful than other factors,
               and  family  plays  a  specifically  sensitive  role  prevention
               and control of crimes. 2
                  Alongside  family,  some  scholars  point  to  some  other
               factors that might have external or internal causes, but all
               these  scholars  emphasize  the  depth  and  effectiveness  of
               media on our lives.
                  In sum, it can be argued that these theories emphasize
               that  radio  and  visual  media  with  their  glorious  crime
               depiction weaken the badness and immorality of criminal
               behavior.  They  portray  crimes  as  natural  incidents
               happening  in  all  societies.  In  this  situation  we  gradually
               get used to immoral behavior and social misconducts, and
               the  ground  is  paved  for  decadence  of  social  values  and
               corruption of healthy norms in the society.
                  Another social harm that happens in our society is divorce.
               A  very  important  issue  in  divorce  is  emotional  separation.
               Hidden  divorce  or  emotional  divorce  means  co-existence
               without  empathy  and  mutual  feelings  and  emotions.
               Emotional divorce paves the ground for official divorce.

               1. Robertson, 1995, p. 176.
               2. Thompson, 1991, p. 45.
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