Page 38 - Pure Life 11
P. 38

Modern Media and Changing the Functions of Family /37

               Nowadays,  media  affect  many  aspects  of  our  lives,  and
               families  don’t  hold  on  to  their  traditional  functions,
               families  are  experiencing  new  functions  adopted  from
               modern media.
                  Modern media in the one hand have strengthened some
               social values, and at the same time have weakened some
               other values.
                  What  can  increase  the  positive  function  of  modern
               media is thorough and scientific understanding functions
               and characteristics of modern family.
                  Only  then  can  media  produce  programs  that  are
               appropriate for the pre-set purposes and reduce additional
               side  effects.  By  having  direct  or  indirect  impact  in  the
               family,  media  can  reduce  abnormalities  and  antisocial
               behavior  and  contribute  to  the  welfare  and  wellbeing  of
               the family.
                  It  is  crystal  clear  that  media  present  role  models  for
               children. Presenting role models for children is an arduous
               task  for  parents.  By  presenting  appropriate  role  models,
               the  function  of  modern  media  will  not  only  be  to
               strengthen authentic and worthy beliefs, but also to correct
               irrational behavior.
                  All  these  attempts  will  be  taken  in  order  to  lead  to
               desirable  changes  and  a  reform  in  people’s  behavior,
               which is the ultimate goal of any educational system.
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