Page 40 - Pure Life 11
P. 40

Big Data: New Development Opportunities
                                     in Islamic Studies

                             Author: Sally Kawtharany (Lebanon)
                          Reccive: 04/01/2017                      Accept: 10/08/2017
               A Quranic researcher's personality should be identified by the
               scientific  characters  because  his/her  efforts  should  be  based
               on evidence and truth to acquire knowledge, And without any
               doubt, the basic role here is to transform the Quranic givens
               to realistic values that shapes the society into a better place,
               by trying to provide solutions for the problems and crises that
               our  society  is  passing  through,  and  develop  our  society's
               issues based on the Quranic visions. Moreover, based on our
               belief  that  it  is  necessary  to  start  the  development  from  the
               needs of the society, and in order for the Quranic researcher
               to complete this role in the perfect and most delightful way,
               this  paper  represents  a  new  flame  that  will  surely  help  in
               strengthening  the  researcher's  ability,  and  in  providing  new
               technological  techniques  and  tools  of  “Data  Science”  and
               specifically “Big Data”, in order to provide Quranic students
               and  institutions  a  huge  power  that  will  lead  to  analyze  the
               new era's situations and needs. Data Science is the process of
               extracting data from different sources to detect the directions
               and visions that represents it. This whole process leads us to
               produce and come up with the right techniques and decisions
               in  any  issue  that  is  tackled.  However,  when  such  science  is
               putting in the hands of a Quranic sciences researcher, we
               will  be  investing  a  productive  mentality,  and  getting  a
               step  closer  to  treat  the  polarity  that  the  Muslim  lives
               trying to connect between theories and the practical reality.

               1. Trainee in Data Science and Machine Learning Fields, Lebanon,
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