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               40  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
               This paper studies the greatest profit that can be produced by
               the  Data  Science  in  understanding  and  analyzing  the  Islamic
               reality.  This  paper  can  also  be  a  dependable  research  that  a
               researcher  can  rely  on  through  his/her  Quranic  studies  so
               he/she can start with eliminating the society's worries through
               knowing  the  major  issues  to  be  handled,  detecting  the  most
               popular  Quranic-understanding  misconceptions,  analyzing  the
               cultural  and  social  backgrounds  that  affects  the  Islamic  area,
               and  studying  the  correlation  for  different  phenomenon.  We
               emphasize in this paper the new role that the Quranic mentalities of
               students  and  institutions  should  play on  account  the  digital
               civilization that we are facing, through getting the help from the
               Quranic  culture  and  education  first,  and  the  technological
               revolution second, specifically the Data Science. Since this position
               is the first of its kind in the Quranic sciences field, we hope that it
               resembles a start in the path of development and improvement so
               this goal can be achieved in the few coming years.

               Key Words: Big Data, Development Ppportunities, Islamic Studies

               Nowadays, we are living a digital civilization. We can name it
               as  “undisguised”  one,  where  everything  is  being  in  public,
               news, information and opinions, even the daily life personal
               events, this seems advanced, but actually we are often using it
               inappropriate, which leads to a negative mind programming,
               brainwashing, and deterioration of human values.
                  Passing through old era’s representatives, we observed
               that  every  powerless  civilization  would  be  destroyed,  so
               that  a  new  civilization  would  be  born.   However,  this
               indicates  that  in  our  days,  human  sciences  productivity
               will more expand intercontinental especially the religious
               science, and we will not be surprised by its wide spread,
               where the digital technologies and techniques would play
               a vital role, specifically Data Science.
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