Page 37 - Pure Life 11
P. 37


               36  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                  Studies  show  that  divorce  rate  is  rising,  and  marriage
               age  is  increasing,  reproduction  delays  for  couples  are
               longer,  number  of  children  are  more  limited,  and  huge
               number  of  women  have  academic  education.  These
               changes are affecting the structure of family institution.
                  Like any other social phenomenon, divorce is affected
               by many factors, influence of media in this regard can be
               direct or indirect. In fact media play a key role in forming
               pressure of Anomic Strain in people.
                  By  depicting  a  desirable  picture  of  luxury  and
               fashionable living and lighting the flame of jealousy and
               keeping up with the latest fashion, media can worsen the
               feeling  of  social  deprivation,  and  may  cause  pressure  in
               the struggle to reach the top levels of the society. 1
                  Without considering divorces that happen as a result of
               lack  of  familiarity  and  commonalities,  or  divorces  that
               happen only due to economic reasons, a general principle
               is that couples fail to satisfy each other’s expectations.
                  Media  are  very  effective  in  formation  of  these
               expectations  and  demands.  Expectations  that  are  formed
               in  public  by  movies  or  TV  series  or  any  other  form  are
               very attractive and people usually strive to achieve these
                  Media can show a favorable picture of working women,
               although working women can be evaluated as positive, but
               this phenomenon can create a condition for formation of
               family conflicts. Even showing divorce as an easy process
               and reducing its bad quality can be effective in couples’
               decisions to file for a divorce.

               1. Siegel, 2003, p. 193.
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