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               70  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
               and  drop  in  clips  from  YouTube,  Vimeo,  Wirewax,  and
               more. And yes, you can build scenarios around them or go
               for interactive video.
                  Also expect to see more video sharing activity among
               employees, and live video streaming via video platforms,
               such as Periscope.

                   6.  Personalization         of       Learning         and
                      Data/ Competency-Based Learning
               Popularization  of  E-Learning  has  resulted  in  the
               popularization of personalized learning and access to data
               as well.
                  A learner who falls behind the class in a particular topic
               can  make  use  of  the  E-Learning  system  to  get  access  to
               more personalized instructions to catch up. More and more
               institutes make use of this Instructional Design to separate
               mastery and lack of it, facilitating better development of a
               student. On the other hand, competency-based learning and
               training programs in corporate organizations are a huge hit
               and a rising trend in E-Learning.
                  It provides the employees an insight into their own skills,
               strengths, and weaknesses and lets them identify the areas of
               improvement required to climb the corporate ladder.
                  Expect to see a wider acceptance of micro learning and
               digital learning design that addresses needs of the modern
               learner. Learning and Development teams will use modern
               design thinking to modernize typically boring E-Learning
               courses like On boarding in a new place.
                  The Learning and Development world is waking up to
               this idea that we need to move beyond just resource-based
               approaches for E-Learning. We need to think about multi-
               pronged  approaches  that  fit  in  different  consumption
               windows and patterns, as well as delivering against needs.
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