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Social Media … F. Amirfarhangi and A. Ramezani / 29
terms of facts and figures or religious traditions focusing on
new forms of virtual interaction personal interactions in the
and global communication, social arena without attention
(Tyson, 2009; Kaplan and to the theological dimensions
Haenlein, 2010: 60; Yigit and of these relationships”. (Tutt,
Tarman, 2013: 75) the impact 2010: 7)
of social media on society, In his view, people use new
(Amedie, 2015) problems social media to share subjects
associated with the use of that can change, grow and
social networks, (Szczegielniak, come to better understand of
Palka and Krysta, 2013) the their own beliefs in a greater
present paper attempts to context.
discuss about the interrelation He refers to Pete Warden’s
of social media and interfaith study that God is the most
dialogue. popular Facebook fan page in
the southern United States.
Social Media and Interfaith (Warden, 2010)
Dialogue Online blogs are also a
Social media plays an popular new forum to discuss
important role in different about religion as Nathan
aspects of life. So far some believes that the bloggers try to
researches have been done in share new and different
the field of the role of this religious perspectives. (Nathan,
platform and interfaith 2010: 33)
dialogue. Tutt believes that the key
Tutt defines interreligious challenge in both offline and
dialogue as “a conversation online interreligious and
between people from distinct intercultural dialogue is to
traditions to engage religious develop respect, trust and open
difference to deepen one’s own mindedness. (Tutt, 2010: 16)
faith and expand knowledge of In other words, online tools
the other while interreligious do not have any positive or
interaction means an exchange negative power by themselves;
between people from different