Page 156 - Pure Life 25
P. 156
Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 155
practices, covering all aspects Imam Ali ibn Abi-Talib
of Halal food production and and its Management System
handling their storage according Ali ibn Abi-Talib was the son
to the principles of Islam. of Abu Talib. He was the
The research critically cousin, son in law of Prophet
investigated how successfully Mohammad and husband of his
Muslim managers could adopt daughter Fatima. He was the
effective managerial practices first one to embrace Islam and
that were recommended by to protect the prophecy. He
Quran and Sunnah by fought all the wars and came
enhancing the participation of back victorious.
their employees in daily He was a warrior, a scientist
business processes. The and philosopher. He was
research pointed out how declared Amir ul Momnineen
successfully these Islamic (Master of all the believers) on
values and managerial practices the day of Ghadir. He was
could be implemented to every famous for his faith, his wisdom,
aspect of life including his bravery and his justice.
economic, political and social Gibbon (1911) writes that
activities of life. the zeal and virtue of Ali were
It explored that if Islamic never outstripped by any
values and managerial recent proselyte. He united the
practices in its true values and qualifications of a poet, a
spirits are implemented in soldier and a saint: his wisdom
Islamic businesses and still breathes in a collection of
political spheres, it could make moral and religious sayings:
substantial change and and every antagonist, in the
improvements in Islamic combats of the tongue or of the
societies to enhance justice, sword, was subdued by his
trust, brotherhood and peace eloquence and valour.
throughout their society. From the first hour of his
mission to the last rites of his