Page 152 - Pure Life 25
P. 152
Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 151
organizations by understanding showing positive attitude to
the employee needs. work during the conduct of their
The managers were guided personal and professional lives.
to show logical feelings The need of management in
towards their employees by Islamic society has also
cultivating complete understanding increased in the recent years to
of their problems and everyday motivate and guide people in a
issues and showing gratitude, manner and direction which are
kindness, forgiveness and provided us by Allah and His
compassion to meet their Prophet Mohammad.
employees needs to work in a The Quran proposes
healthy workplace environment. Muslim managers to create
(Kazmi, 2003: 198-199) concrete commendations for
The research work the potentials that should be
conducted by Jamil (2015) adopted by managers while
described the need of working in an Islamic
management in Islamic society workplace environment.
by indicating the role of The Holy Prophet during his
today’s Muslim CEOs in stay at Madina as the Chief
following Islamic leadership Executive Officer of the State
practices and showing equal treated equally with justice and
treatment with their subordinates. equality among common
The true Islamic managers people. The Mohammad
have adopted flawless established the Muslim society
principles of Islam to ensure by adopting true values of
effective communication, Islamic principles based on
firmness and dynamism to deal trust, equality and harmony.
with people of different In adopting effective
personalities and different managerial practices in
cultural backgrounds. Muslim society, Prophet
These managers have showed Mohammad has guided
sincere commitment by always Muslim managers to adopt