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               154  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021
               the virtues of work-orientation       leaders    and    managers     in
               in their human life.                  managing  daily  activities  of
                  These  principles  could  be       their  businesses  and  involving
               applied  to  every  business  of      their  employees  in  decision-
               life   where     behaviors     of     making process. Large numbers
               Muslims  are  examined  and           of  businesses  are  adopting
               observed  as  the  servants  of       Islamic    values    and     best
               Allah  and  true  followers  of       managerial  practices  of  Imam
               Prophet Mohammad.                     Ali in different organizations of
                  The  research  conducted  by       Malaysia  to  improve  their
               Sulaiman      et    al     (2013)     organizational performance and
               investigated  the  importance  of     to  enhance  the  trust  of  their
               Islamic  values  and  managerial      employees  on  equal  decision-
               practices in Islamic society to get   making  involvement  of  the
               welfare of people at greater level.    employees    in    their   daily
                  Islam  not  only  focused  on      business operations.
               the  private  living  of  people;        The  research  evaluated  the
               But it also provides a complete       application and  implementation
               mechanism of living better life       of     Islamic      management
               by        covering        human       practices  by  Muslim  leaders  in
               interactions  and  activities  in     their  daily  business  activities
               their daily life.                     because it has become crucial to
                  Islamic       values       and     develop  an  effective  business
               managerial practices are based        management  model  in  the
               on comprehensive teachings of         future.  The  research  article
               Islam  and  provided  great           highlighted  how  effectively
               benefits to Muslim leaders and        Muslim        managers       can
               managers to adopt best Islamic        comprehend and implement the
               values  to  manage  and  treat        managerial      practices    and
               their workforce equally.              Islamic    values    that   were

                  The research investigated the      recommended  by  Imam  Ali to
               managerial activities of Muslim       ensure  good  manufacturing
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