Page 154 - Pure Life 25
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Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 153

               Quran provide us direction and        focused  on  the  importance  of
               guidelines  to  adopt  Islamic        its  values  and  practices  in
               values      and     management        order  to  seek  the  blessings  of
               practices  in  almost  every          Allah  and  His  mercy  and  the
               aspect  of  life  to  create  justice   likings   of   His     Prophet
               and peace in the society.             Mohammad  in  almost  every
                  Rafiki  and  Wahab  (2014)         aspect of life.
               pointed  out  that  when  Islamic        The      research      clearly
               values and managerial practices       highlighted  that  there  is  a
               are  adopted  in  the  Islamic        strong  relationship  between
               society,  they  develop  people       the    religious    and     work
               attitudes,  values  and  behaviors    attitudes and their relationship
               and prepare them to respect the       at  the  individual  level  as  well
               equal human rights of others.         as  the  organizational  level  in
                  It  affects  not  only  a  business   the society.
               enterprise; But affects the society      The  research  identified  that
               as  a  whole  including  changing     Islamic values and managerial
               work  practices  of  managers,        practices are deep rooted based
               employees,     politicians    and     on true principles of Al-Quran
               common  people.  The  research        and     Sunnah      which      is
               indicated  that  Islamic  principles   concerned with ethical values,
               of  ethics  and  morality  could  be   principles,     beliefs     and
               applied to every field of life and    practices  that  differentiate  the
               experienced  in  numerous  forms      right path from the wrong and
               of  human  interactions  in  the      justice  from  injustice  in  the
               society.                              society.  It  provides  complete
                  As      a     comprehensive        justice  and  protection  to
               religious     system,      Islam      common  workers  working  at
               governed  true  values of  doing      different     businesses       to
               business  and  setting  a  good       reinforce  their  social  business
               governance  system  through           responsibilities  and  to  adopt
               integrated  system  that  clearly
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