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               168  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021
                  The  Islamic  values  and          fulfilling  societal  needs  and
               management  practices  that           the  values  by  showing  their
               were initiated and followed by        focus  on  addressing  the  rights
               Imam  Ali  showed  conflicts          of human beings in the society.
               with  the  existing  management          Imam Ali had always taken
               systems and practices followed        necessary  steps  by  giving
               by modern government system           importance  to  the  Muslims
               in Pakistan.                          living in the Islamic society by
                  The  current  research  paper      showing a strong viewpoint of
               was  mainly  focused  on  three       Islam  towards  the  Islamic
               important  sections;  the  section    government  system.  When
               describing    the    government       Imam Ali sent Imam Malik the
               system of Imam Ali, the section       governor  to  a  country  under
               highlighting  the  importance  of     his  rule,  he  pointed  out  to
               Islamic values and management         Imam  Malik  to  differentiate
               practices in Islamic society and      between  just  and  unjust  rule
               the  section  highlighting  the       and asked him to scrutinize his
               impacts  of  Islamic  values  and     actions with a searching eye to
               management  practices  on  the        create  peace,  harmony,  justice
               current  political  structure  of     and  stability  in  the  country
               Pakistan.                             under his rule.
                  The  research  investigated           The  government  system  of
               how  the  Islamic  management         Imam  Ali presented  the  true

               systems  and  practices  adopted      values  of  Islam  and  indicated
               in  Pakistan  showed  conflicts       that  goods  deeds  are  the
               with  the  true  Islamic  values      richest  treasure  of  Islamic
               and  managerial  practices  of        culture  and  Islamic  values.
               Imam Ali.                             Imam  Ali  always  directed  his
                  The     detailed     literature    governors  and  rulers  that  they
               review  pointed  out  that  the       should  keep  their  desires  and
               government  system  of  Imam          actions  under  control  by
               Ali ib Abi-Talib was based on         denying  themselves  from  the
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