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               72  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 65-94, Autumn 2021

                      relations    with     non-            mixed  both  concepts  of
                      Muslims is based on war               war    and     jihad   by
                      and  jihad.  They  believe            confusing them.
                      that    the    permanent           •  Sabbaghchi and Pakravan
                      mission  of  Islam  is                (2021)  study  the  first
                      international and universal           verses of Surah At-Tawbah
                      peace.      These      two            and  believe  that  these
                      scholars  believe  that  the          verses  have  not  proved

                      acceptance  of  peace  and            any  evidence  for  the
                      peaceful coexistence has              beginning of the war, and
                      no  contradiction  with               on  the  contrary,  they
                      issues  such  as  the                 prove the strict standards
                      rejection  of  the  infidels'         for  allowing  a  defensive
                      province,  the  cultural              war.
                      struggle  against  them,           •  Siddiq (2021) stated that
                      and the need for military             many radical movements

                      and  defense  readiness               have  turned  to  the
                      against  their  attacks.              Qur'an  and  hadith  to
                      They  believe  that  peace            justify  or  rationalize
                      is  a  universal  ideal  and          their  violent  actions,
                      not an absolute concept,              have  consumed  verses
                      and  that  peace  can  be             from  the  Qur'an,  and

                      defined differently from a            have stolen the Bible  in
                      religious  and  cultural              their  favor.  He  believes
                      point  of  view.  It  is              that  war  verses  in  the
                      noteworthy  that  these               Qur'an      have     been
                      two  researchers  have                misinterpreted  by  radical
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