Page 166 - Pure Life 29
P. 166

Disputing Radicalism and Terrorism from … M.Z. Amami et al / (165

               Terrors  in  Indonesia  from               2.  Bombing     at    Three
               2018-2019                                     Churches in Surabaya
                   1. Mako  Brimob  Terror              This tragedy struck in East
                      Attack                            Java, precisely on Sunday,
                 On Tuesday night, May 8, 2018,         May  13 ,  2018  followed
                 there  was  a  riot  between           by suicide bombings in three
                 terrorist inmates and the police       churches at once in Surabaya.

                 in  the  Mako  Brimob                  The  explosion  occurred  in
                 Detention  Center,  Kelapa             front  of  the  Church  of  the
                 Dua,  Depok,  West  Java.              Blameless  Santa  Maria  on
                 There  were  five  police              Jalan  Ngagel  Utara,  GKI
                 officers  who  were  brutally          Diponegoro  Surabaya,  and
                 killed by nepiter, they were           Sawahan  GPPS  on  Arjuno

                 Bripda Wahyu Catur Pamungkas,          Street. At least, there were
                 Bripda Syukron Fadhli Idensos,         13  people  killed  and  43
                 Ipda Rospuji, Bripka Denny             people  reportedly  injured
                 Setiadi  and  Briptu  Fandi.           due  to  the  incident.  The
                 Then,  one  prisoner  was              perpetrators  are  known  to
                 also  killed  in  the  incident.       consist  of  six  people  and
                 The  incident  was  also               one  family  consisting  of
                 accompanied  by  the  hostage          father,  mother  and  four

                 taking  of  a  police  officer         children.  Two  children  are
                 on  behalf  of  Bripka  Irwan          still toddlers.
                 Sarjana.  It  took  36  hours            3.  Sidoarjo       Bombing
                 for  the  police  to  free  the             Attack
                 hostages  until  finally  155          On the evening of Sunday,

                 terrorist  prisoners  surrendered      May  13 ,  2018  a  bomb
                 unconditionally.                       explosion occurred in Block
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