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               166  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 157-176, Winter 2022

                 B,  5   floor  of  Wonocolo            thought to have been active
                 flats,  Sidoarjo,  East  Java.         in  the  network  for  six
                 Three people were killed in            years. His role is as a bomb
                 the incident namely  Anton             assembler and recruit people.
                 Febryanto, Puspita Sari Anton's        When  they  were  going  to
                 wife  and  17-year-old  Rita           search  he  house  on  Jalan
                 Aulia  Rahman  who  is  the            Cenderawasih, Sibolga City,
                 son of Anton-Puspita's partner.        an  explosion  occurred  at

                 The  other  three  survived            the  house  and  injured  a
                 namely Ainur Rahman who                police  officer.  The  police
                 brought  his  two  younger             finally  chose  to  stay  away
                 sisters,  each  Faizah  Putri          from the house. Through a
                 and  Garida  Huda  Akbar.              loudspeaker at the mosque,
                 All    three   have     been           officials asked he wife who
                 referred  for  treatment  at           was  in  the  house  to
                 Bhayangkara Hospital.                  surrender  with  her  child.

                   4.  Sibolga        Bombing           Besides  he,  the  Special
                      Attack                            Detachment Team (Detachment)
                 This  incident  began  with            88  of  the  National  Police
                 the  arrest  of  suspected             Headquarters  is  known  to
                 terrorist alias Abu Hamzah             have  arrested.  At  least

                 in Sibolga, North Sumatra,             seven  suspected  terrorists
                 on  March  12 ,  2019.  He             related to JAD Sibolga.
                 was allegedly affiliated with
                 the terrorist network Jamaah
                 Ansharut  Daullah  (JAD)
                 affiliated  with  ISIS.  He  is
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