Page 130 - Pure Life 30
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Ethical Considerations of Employment… A. Valenzuela and M. Limba (129

                      maintenance  and  their         Her  duty  includes  making  it
                      clothing must be- borne         sure  that  the  family  eats
                      by the father according         healthy foods and living in a

                      to  usage…”.  (Quran,           clean  and  safe  environment.
                      2: 233)                         One of her important duty is
                                                      feeding  her  children.  Health
                  The  important  fact  is  that      or illness, beauty or ugliness,
               the  mother's  milk  affects  the      even good or bad temperedness,
               baby's character and according         and cleverness of children are

               to the narration from Imam Ali:        all related to the way they are
                      “Do not choose foolish          fed.  The  responsibility  of
                      women  to  feed  (your          education, training, and running
                      children) with their milk,      of  this  sensitive  social  base
                      because the milk makes          lies with the women.
                      their  base  qualities             Therefore women, through

                      penetrated into the child”.     their  deeds  and  behavior
                      (Hurr  Amili,  1988,            towards  their  family,  can
                      Vol. 15: 188)
                                                      determine the deterioration or
                  The mother's presence and           progress  of  a  nation.  Thus,
               care  is  irreplaceable  during        the  job  of  a  housewife  is

               the  first  months  of  a  child’s     sensitive, respectable and revered.
               life.  A  little  child  is  entirely   (Amini, 2002)
               vulnerable and for his survival           The  mother  has  to  direct
               he  needs  somebody  to  look          the child towards righteousness
               after him. (Gezova, 2015)              and  to  keep  him  away  from
                  Mother  is  the  caretaker  of      corruption through presenting
               her  house  and  her  offspring.       proper alternatives which can
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