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               128  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 119-142, Spring 2022
                role  is  instantaneous,  while          Childbirth must also by no
                the  woman  has  to  bear  the        means be regarded as something
                burden  of  pregnancy  for            instantaneous.  Rather,  it  is
                several months. If we add to          preceded,  accompanied  and
                it the time she must spend on         followed by pains, indispositions
                suckling, nurture, cherishing         and possible side-effects. It is
                and  bringing  up  her  child,        further  known  that  after
                then  we  see  that  her  role  is    delivery,  the  woman  needs
                much longer than the man's.           rest  for  the  first  few  weeks,

                (Misbah Yazdi, 1991)                  so  as  to  regain  her  normal
                   In    the   holy     Quran,        disposition. (Misbah Yazdi, 1991)
                pregnancy  is  described  as             After  the  struggles  of
                hardship and weakness upon            pregnancy and pain of giving
                weakness as it stated:                birth,  a  woman  is  faced  in
                      “his mother bears him           another  challenge  in  her  life
                      with faintings upon faintings   of  taking  care  of  the  new

                      and  his  weaning  takes        born  child.  She  has  the  duty
                      two years”. (Quran, 31: 14)     of breastfeeding and this task
                                                      is difficult for the mother but
                  In a similar verse, Allah says:     is so important for a child.
                      “…his mother bear him              The Most High God says:
                      and  with  trouble  did                “And the mothers should

                      she  bring  him  forth;                suckle  their  children
                      and the bearing of him                 for  two  whole  years
                      and the weaning of him                 for him who desires to
                      was  thirty  months…”.                 make complete the time
                      (Quran, 46: 15)
                                                             of  suckling;  and  their
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