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               130  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 119-142, Spring 2022

               occupy  him,  in  order  that  he      tempered, stubborn, ignorant,
               will  not  be  led  on  towards        cowardly, materialistic, nasty,
               what      is    corrupted,     a       careless,  selfish  and  cruel
               psychological  barrier  will  be       children.  On  the  contrary,
               established  between  him  and         tomorrow's world will benefit
               corruption,  and  a  model  will       from today's children who are
               be  set  forth  for  him  in  order    honest, well mannered, generous,
               to  follow  after  in  this  frame.    brave,  just,  and  trustworthy
               (Ma'arif Books, 2005)                  etc.  Thus,  the  progress  or

                  Parents  in  general  and           deterioration of a society is in
               mothers  in  particular  are           the    hands     of    women.
               responsible towards their societies.   (Amini, 2002)
               They  can  serve  their  society          Being a woman, she is also
               by bringing up pious children.         a  wife.  Wife  has  a  vital  and
               On the other hand, carelessness        very effective role to play in
               about their responsibility will        bringing  about  stability  and

               be  questioned  on  the  Day  of       happiness  to  the  family.  She
               Judgment.  Small  children  of         serves  as  a  security  for  her
               today are the men and women            husband.  She  is  also  the
               of tomorrow. Whatever lessons          means  of  love,  compassion
               they  learn  now,  they  will          and tranquility; As mentioned
               practice in future societies. If       in the holy Quran:

               families improve, the society                 “And one of His signs
               will progress, because societies              is  that  He  created
               are no more than a collection                 mates  for  you  from
               of families. Tomorrow's world                 yourselves  that  you
               will  suffer  with  today's  bad-             may  find  rest  in  them,
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