Page 156 - Pure Life 31
P. 156

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (155

               objective,  the  presence  of          victory  of  the  Islamic
               the  clergy  to  liaise  people        Revolution, he had separated

               and  government  would  be             the     clergy     from      the
               inevitable. By coming closer           government in clear terms:

               to  people  and  benefiting               The  clergy's  role  is  to
               from  their  heartfelt  trust,            lead the government and
               the  clergy  can  convince                steer  the  people.  The
               them  to  align  themselves               clergy  does  not  seek

               with the government's human               governance;  but  has  a
               development  policies  and                role  in  the  government.
               plans.                                    The clergy is responsible

                  Another role for the clergy            for  looking  after  the
               with  regard  to  interaction             government;  however,  it
               with  the  government  is  to             does not want to become

               keep  an  eye  on  the                    president.  The  clergy
               performance  of  different                exercises a controlling role.
               branches of government and                The  clergy  is  expert  in

               help  it  implement  Islamic              law      and      regulates
               law more effectively. Although            implementation of Islamic
               it  seems  that  the  Imam                law. The clergy is neither
               Khomeini's interpretation of              the government nor stranger

               clergy-government  relationship           to  the  government.  The
               has     been      subject     to          role  of  the  clergy  is  to
               significant modifications nearly          control  the  power  and

               four  decades  after  the                 prevent injustice, dictatorship
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