Page 157 - Pure Life 31
P. 157
156 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022
and dependence. (Imam (Ref: Imam Khomeini,
Khomeini, 1999, Vol. 11: 1999, Vol. 1: 274-275; Ibid,
462-466) Vol. 9: 475; Ibid, Vol. 14:
274-275; Ibid, Vol. 15:
Also, to see excerpts of 327; Ibid, Vol. 16: 97; Ibid,
Imam Khomeini's views about Vol. 18: 37; Ibid, Vol. 19:
the clergy-government 3&305)
relationship, refer to these
sources: (Ibid, Vol. 1: 417-418; 7. Clergy-Government
Ibid, Vol. 9: 225; Ibid, Vol. 13: Interaction
11-12&433-434; Ibid, Vol. 21: Interaction between the
288&292; Ibid, 2010: 138) clergy and the Islamic
government is an outcome
6. Clergy-People Interaction of the social and religious
The Imam Khomeini tasks standing of the clergy. On
the clergy with safeguarding one hand, the clergy is well
the people's hearts and aware of Islamic law and is
under different circumstances tasked with elucidating the
urges them to accompany law and supervising its
people, reach understanding correct implementation by
with them, and win their different sectors of government,
trust in the government. He and on the other, it enjoys
also calls upon the clergy the empathy and solidarity
to invite people to regularly of Muslims and believers
be present in social affairs who support the Islamic
and practice perseverance.
government. Therefore, the