Page 158 - Pure Life 31
P. 158

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (157

               clergy  is  tasked  with                  Vol. 15: 336; Ibid, Vol. 16:
               protecting  this  asset.  The             416; Ibid, Vol. 19: 303-304)

               clergy  is  obligated  to  win            - The clergy's refrainment
               people's  trust  in  the  clergy          from  undermining  the

               and the Islamic government.               government. (Ref: Ibid, Vol. 19:
                  Given the Imam Khomeini's              303; Ibid, Vol. 20: 57)
               guidelines, the following basic           - The clergy's refrainment
               points may be highlighted:                from  causing  division.

                  - Necessity of the presence            (Ref: Ibid, Vol. 19: 250&304;
                  of  the  clergy  in  social            Ibid, Vol. 21: 282)
                  and  political  affairs  in            - The clergy's refrainment

                  the  Islamic  Republic.                from unnecessary interference
                  (Ref:  Imam  Khomeini,                 with  government  affairs.
                  1999,  Vol.  9:  179;  Ibid,           (Ref: Ibid, Vol. 16: 348-349)

                  Vol.  14:  184-185;  Ibid,
                  Vol. 15: 486; Ibid, Vol. 19:        Religion-Politics Relationship
                  185-186,248&305)                    The  relationship  between

                  - The clergy's administration       religion and politics remains
                  of  judicial  affairs  within       a  highly  challenging  issue
                  the  government.  (Ref:             in  a  religious  government.
                  Ibid,  Vol.  16:  423;  Ibid,       Contrary to the Western-style

                  Vol. 17: 236)                       political  science  which  is
                  - The clergy's reasonable           largely distant from religion,
                  expectations  from  the             Islam incorporates political

                  government.  (Ref:  Ibid,           views; the history of Islam
                                                      and establishment of religious
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