Page 191 - Pure Life 31
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190 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
of society to take welfare, own, nor to allow others to
health or even educational commit such violations. On the
support measures in other hand, it is committed
support of the individual's to take positive measures to
life. (Ref: Paust, 2014; preserve and ensure the
Ghari Syed Fatemi, 2016) lives of its citizens. Based
One of the considerable on such analyses and
principles in justifying the theoretical foundations, the
benefit of individuals from Government's liability in
the minimum health is the the matter of Corona can be
analysis of the right to life proved.
as a positive right. An All in all, the right to life
analysis according to which is the most fundamental
the Government is committed human right, and other rights
to protecting the lives of enshrined in international
citizens not only against human rights instruments
actions that violate the stand by it. This right is so
principle of life but also in important that it cannot be
the form of protective ignored even in an emergency.
measures to guarantee life. (ICCPR, 1966: Article 4)
Therefore, it can be said The right to life in
that the Government, as the disturbed situations may be
main obligor in this human endangered or violated.
right, is obliged not to Failure to provide the
violate this right on its necessary provisions in dealing