Page 218 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (217

               control  of  formal  and               legal system. In such cases,
               informal observers. For example,       the Government gives a lot

               parliamentary  control  of             of  power  to  itself  by
               the    Government,        along        resorting  to  the  higher

               with      the      tools      of       interests  of  society,  and
               questioning,  impeachment,             then  continues  to  violate
               inquiry,  ombudsman,  and              many  of  its  obligations
               most  importantly,  public             regarding  the  rights  of

               control on Government, are             individuals. Therefore, monitoring
               forms of political control.            the  performance  of  the
                                                      Government will be necessary.
               Assessing      the     Iranian            Regarding the mechanisms
               Legal  System  in  Social              of monitoring the declaration
               Responsibility        of    the        and application of emergency

               Governance                             situations, it can be said that
               As  mentioned  earlier,  the           both  legislative  monitoring
               Iranian  legal  system;  both          and  judicial  monitoring
               the Constitution and ordinary          mechanisms  have           been

               law  has  the  capacity  to            used      in    the     Iranian
               predict specific circumstances,        Constitution.  According  to
               such     as    the    coronary         Article      79      of      the

               condition.  Monitoring  the            Constitution  (1989),  any
               Government         when      an        necessary restrictions imposed
               infectious disease occurs is           by  the  Government  are

               an  important  issue  that             subject  to  the  approval  of
               should  be  addressed  in  the
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