Page 108 - Pure Life 32
P. 108

Moral Education of Adolescents… A.S Hosseini Dehshiri (107

               farther  away  from  it  every         purpose  and  purpose  of
               day,  and  some  people  find          life. He wants to know for

               true perfection. These people          what purpose he is moving
               are  not  the  same,  because          and  striving?  Also  finds;
               the possibility of achieving           Because human personality

               perfection  depends  on  the           depends on its purpose.
               will of each person.                      Due  to  his  deep  and
                  The  characteristics  of  a         delicate      feelings,      the

               teenager  that  give  him  a           adolescent  hates  and  turns
               very  good  preparation  and           away  from  any  evil  and
               ground to move on the path             ugliness.  He  is  always

               of perfection and achieve it are:      discouraged  and  saddened
                   •  Identification                  by  filth  and  depravity  and

                   •  Pure and rich emotions          reprehensible  behavior  and
                   •  Will                            seeks goodness  and beauty
                   •  Imagination                     for  himself  and  others;  In

                   •  Paying  attention  to           other words, it is in search
                      the future. (Debs, 2003)        of absolute perfection.
                                                         We said that the teenager
                  What  is  the  relationship         does not consider  anything
               between these characteristics          impossible; As he  seeks  to
               and perfectionism?                     reform the world. If despair

                  One of the most important           overwhelms  him,  he  has  a
               characteristics of adolescents         strong will and determination
               is identification. In identification,   to do things. So, although it
               the adolescent seeks to know           cannot reform the world, it

               himself and to discover the
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