Page 113 - Pure Life 32
P. 113
112 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022
Therefore, he is interested important principles of
in discussion and argument. moral education. Therefore,
In this way, he can gain a the principle of knowledge
deep knowledge of moral appears new and deep in
issues. On the other hand, adolescence.
the adolescent attaches great
importance to his knowledge. First: Giving Insight
When the adolescent Giving insight according to
pays more attention to the the mental characteristics
objects of nature, he likes of adolescents is the best
to analyze his observations way to apply this principle.
in quiet corners and to find By giving insight, the
adolescent has reached a
out the truth of things or to
know himself. Imitation of clean stage and, conversely,
good behavior seeks to the child can to a large
correct itself, which is extent distinguish between
called self-discipline. good and bad and good and
Adolescent interest in evil and find the right path.
self-knowledge has a great So in this regard, it does
effect on the moral education not need much external
of adolescents because self- control and because it has
knowledge according to the insight, it does not need to
narration narrated from be reminded and repeated.
Imam Ali is the best And this is in line with his
knowledge and reason and spirit of independence.
the principle of knowledge
is one of the most