Page 110 - Pure Life 32
P. 110
Moral Education of Adolescents… A.S Hosseini Dehshiri (109
Principles and Methods of Imam Ali says:
Adolescent Moral Education “The best knowledge for
1. The Principle of man is self-knowledge”.
Knowledge and (Amudi, 2008: 179)
Educational Methods
based on the Knowledge Man's familiarity with
These verses (Ref: Quran, himself causes him to be
67: 11; Ibid, 7: 179) and surrounded by his spiritual,
many other similar verses psychological and social
indicate that knowledge is dimensions, and to plan
the key to happiness and and plan for his correction
the key to knowledge is based on more accurate
criteria and measures, and
reason and thought.
Neglect of knowledge and to gain more control over
reason is the cause of his behavior and carnal
misery and cruelty. airs. If a person neglects
If man tries to know himself or takes another
himself as he is and to self in place of his real self,
realize his position, he has he will go astray and will
taken a big step towards deviate from his purpose
reforming himself. Such a every day.
person considers himself Imam Ali says:
and his existential value - “The highest knowledge
higher than giving in to sin for human beings is self-
and depravity. knowledge”. (Amudi, 2008: