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               108  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022

               can  move  forward  and  get           imaginative       power      he
               closer to its goal. (Debs, 2003)       reproduces  the  negative
                  Imagination and attention           feelings  caused  by  the  bad
               to  the  future  also  help  the       situation  of  people  in  his
               adolescent  in  this  regard.          being and reaches a mutual

               The      power       of      the       understanding of it.
               imagination      allows      the          Adolescent activity loses
               adolescent  to  make  ideal            its adaptation to the present

               and  far-reaching  plans  and          and  looks  to  the  future,  so
               plans for his future, and in           the  adolescent  makes  far-
               this way, instead of paying            reaching  plans,  and  such  a

               attention      to     transient        desire  replaces  immediate
               inclinations,  he  thinks  of          interest  with  the  desired
               higher  and  seemingly  far-           perfection. Instead of comparing

               reaching goals.                        himself  to  others,  which
                  He  aspires  to  growth,            had  a  significant  effect  on
               excellence  and  perfection.           his childhood, he competes
               Imagination also allows the            with himself, and instead of

               adolescent  to  be  able  to           comparing himself to others,
               guess  the  consequences  of           he compares himself to others,
               his  or  her  good  and  bad           thus trying to overcome his

               actions and make decisions             shortcomings  and  achieve
               based on those results.                excellence. (Debs, 2003)
                  Imagination  also  helps

               the  adolescent  to  develop
               the  ability  to  empathize  in
               such  a  way  that  with  his
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