Page 114 - Pure Life 32
P. 114

Moral Education of Adolescents… A.S Hosseini Dehshiri (113

                  In  other  words,  this             many  works  have  been
               method      leads     him     to       written in this field and it is

               cognitive and social development.      hoped that it will be further
               In  this  sense,  he  achieves         developed. Discussion in the
               cognitive development  that            classroom.

               can     benefit    from     the           Adolescents  have  many
               highest  product  of  his              problems  in  understanding
               intellectual power and gain            ethics and its concepts that

               a  deep  knowledge  and                need  to  be  explained  to
               attitude towards things.               them.  If,  if  possible,  the
                  One  of  the  best  ways  to        matter  is  not  explained

               increase a teenager's moral            directly, it is better to start
               knowledge and clarify moral            the discussion with questions
               concepts  is  to  use  moral           and  involve  the  adolescent

               books  and  writings.  Of              in the discussion so that he
               course,  this  method  is  less        can  think  for  himself  and
               used  in  early  adolescence,          reach an answer. The coach
               because  they  have  little            should  try  to  find  the

               interest in reading, especially        answer himself. The teacher
               if  it  does  not  have  a             can make significant use of
               fictional  aspect, but in  late        the  composition  bell,  he

               adolescence, the interest in           can use these hours to raise
               reading increases.                     ethical issues and, by stating
                  Ethical  books  are  a              ethical topics, oblige students

               source  and  reference  that           to  think  and  explore  these
               can  be  easily  accessed              issues.
               whenever  needed.  So  far,
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