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               114  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022

                  Spijkerboer (2019) research         teacher  to  the  theater  or
               emphasized  the  role  of              arranging  a play  at  school,
               talking about moral riddles            and it is often preferable to
               among        children       and        use  the  play  due  to  the
               adolescents  and  fostering            availability  and  power  of

               moral  judgments  in  them.            the     instructor    in     the
               So     that    children     and        performance  of  the  play
               adolescents,      under     the        according  to  the  existing

               supervision  of  a  teacher,           problem.
               are confronted with a moral               In  other  words,  in  the
               issue and discuss and judge            case     of    a   film,     the

               it. These conversations take           instructor  has  to  wait  for
               place under the supervision            the right film to be able to
               of  the  teacher  and  the             make  the  necessary  use  of

               teacher has a guiding role.            it,  but  encouraging  the
                  The  film  has  a  strange          screening  does  not  require
               appeal  to  teenagers,  as  the        much resources.
               effect of watching a useful               It  can  have  a  very

               and  moral  film  is  not              positive     effect    if    the
               comparable  to  hours  of              educator  can  participate  in
               explanation      and     study.        the  play  in  person  and

               Watching  productive  and              without        realizing      it
               informative  films  can  be            intentionally,  he/she  can
               through  cinema,  television           play  a  role  that  has

               or  video.  Theater  can  also         characteristics that contradict
               be  used.  And  used  this             his/her negative characteristics.
               method  by  taking  the                For  example,  if  he  is  a
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