Page 193 - Pure Life 32
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               192  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 191-211, Autumn. 2022

               Introduction                           not  in  their  scientific  or
               Every  science  has  its  own          philosophical sense; because
               definition of time and space,          time      and     place      are
               which  must  be  considered            evolutionary  matters  that
               in  conjunction  with  the             are  beyond  the  scope  of

               definition  of  that  science.         human  beings  and  cannot
               Zaman  means  time  and                be  forced  to  intervene  and
               place  means  subject  and             influence  in  such  a  way.

               place. A place is a geometrical        There are fatwas and rulings.
               place with a specific feature             Time  and  place  are  the
               and  points  outside  of  that         characteristics of every era

               shape  do  not  have  this             and every environment that
               characteristic; in other words,        can influence the topics of
               a geometric location is the            rulings, or it has influenced

               sum  of  points  that  all             the concepts of texts in the
               benefit  from  a  known  and           form of analogies. It should
               specific property.                     also  be  said  that  time  and
                  According        to    most         place  may  be  taken  in  its

               philosophers,  time  is  the           rulings, subjects and criteria
               real  thing  and  the  amount          in  such  a  way  that  time  is
               of movement. Even among                sometimes a mandatory condition.

               later  Islamic  philosophers,             So, we tened here to deal
               time  is  regarded  as  the            with  the  most  important
               fourth dimension of matter.            question in this article, that

                  According  to  the  above           is  what  is  the  role  of  time
               definitions,  the  time  and           and place in the  allocation
               place we are discussing are            of zakat to commercial property?
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