Page 198 - Pure Life 32
P. 198

The Requirements of Time and Place… K. Korkmaz and S.H. Abedian (197

               -    The     emergence        of          The Prophet of God, said:
               important issues that cause               “The       difference      in

               changes in important issues               appearance  between  the
               and  change  their  rulings               Muslims  and  polytheists
               because of conflict.                      lies  under  the  state  of

                                                         their turbans”.
               The  Effect  of  Time  and
               Place on the Ruling on Zakat              according      to    Sheikh
               of Commercial Property from            Sadouq: Naturally, this issue

               the Perspective of Jurists             has to do with the birth and
               The     previous      scholar's        early development of Islam.

               explanations  of  how  time            (Sadoq, 1943)
               and place play a role in the              The  quote  from  Sheikh
               issuance  of  rulings  were            Sadouq can be translated as
               not  very  clear  and  they            follows:

               frequently  alluded  to  it               Because  the  number  of
               when discussing issues and             Muslims was relatively small,
               subjects  relevant  to  this           the difference between them

               discussion. The fundamental            and     the    infidels     was
               understanding       of    these        identified by such signs. In
               elders  is  that  they  briefly        the  following  years,  when

               agreed  to  pay  attention  to         the  number  of  Muslims
               the time, place and its effects.       increased and they performed
                  The  impact  of  time  on           their  religious  duties  and

               judgments         is      often        ceremonies without they used
               emphasised by jurists.                 to wear a veil and perform
                                                      taqiyya, there was no need
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