Page 194 - Pure Life 32
P. 194

The Requirements of Time and Place… K. Korkmaz and S.H. Abedian (193

                  The  innovation  of  this           transmission, are examples
               research  is  that  according          of connected logic evidence.

               to the principle of velayat,              This  indicates  that  the
               for  the  jurists,  they  have         circumstances  of  time  and
               the right to require zakat of          place  during  the  period  of

               commercial property for the            descent in the obligation of
               welfare  of  the  society  and         zakat  may  have  had  some
               to improve the spiritual and           bearing on the determination

               material life of man.                  of  the  circumstances  in
                                                      which commercial property
               The Influence of Time and              was  subject  to  zakat,  as  at

               Place in Inference                     that  time  in  the  Arabian
               The  influence  of  time  and          Peninsula, only specify and
               place  in  inference  can  be          limited items were regarded
               imagined in three ways:                as commercial property.

                   1.  The Effect on the Issue           In their role as governors,
               To  draw  conclusions  from            the  Holy  Prophet  and  his
               a  text,  one  must  take  into        family      also    had     the

               account both connected and             authority  to  decide  on  the
               disconnected  verbal  and              zakat  assets,  and  they  did
               logical evidence. It is obvious        so at that time.

               that  the  time  and  place               When the researcher looks
               conditions  present  at  the           at the texts related to zakat
               time  of  revelation  or               property  and  observes  the

               transmission, as well as the           role  of  time  and  place  in
               location of the revelation or
                                                      detail, although the principle
                                                      of  zakat  obligation  is  one
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