Page 196 - Pure Life 32
P. 196
The Requirements of Time and Place… K. Korkmaz and S.H. Abedian (195
and place and the progress the laws governing the
in the affairs of the society, government and its affairs
the cases of property and with fresh reflection and
commercial goods have focus.
developed and as a result, The association and reading
new cases will be part of of Ijtihad with the element
the zakat belongings. This of time and place have
change We see during the never harmed the original
time of Imam Ali. principles and principles of
the Book, Sunnah and rules
3. The Effect on the of Ijtihad; because the
Reflections and branches and partial rulings
Precisions of the are extracted by considering
Jurists in the Texts the time and place in the
It is possible that the light of the generality of the
circumstances of time and sermons, and the general
place lead the jurist to view principles of Sharia sermons
the Sharia texts with a fresh always stand.
perspective. For instance, Therefore, time and place
the establishment of a mean the conditions and
religious government, the circumstances existing in
installation of a jurist in a time and place; because
position of authority and time and place themselves
the numerous needs that have no effect on the
have emerged during this Shari'a ruling, and their
period have led the jurist to change does not change the
view the texts that express
Shari'a ruling. Here, it is