Page 197 - Pure Life 32
P. 197
196 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 191-211, Autumn. 2022
necessary to refer to the - Changing people's customs
components of the situation and habits
in the time and place that - Necessities that arise in
cause the change in the the world.
Sharia ruling: (Zamani, 1990)
- Expediency is the main
- General level of living basis of the rulings of the
government (General interests
- Materials and corruption of the society or the
- Geographical and spatial expediency of preserving
factors; Like hot and cold the Islamic system).
weather, wet and dry places - The type of government
- Human scientific and ruling the society and the -
technological advances politicians ruling the
society and internal and
- Human specialized knowledge external political relations
- Changing human needs - Social and religious
groups and their relations
- Changing the economic with the people and the
structures of the Islamic Islamic government
society and the international
society and the need to - The economic situation of
enact new laws such as the society, general poverty
labor laws and international or general prosperity or the
trade laws accumulation of wealth in
the hands of a particular
- The transformation of the group and the special
moral values of human economic, social and political
society, such as the abolition relations governing the world
of slavery at any point in time