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               194  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 191-211, Autumn. 2022

               of the essentials of religion;         mandatory  and  necessary
               but in terms of applying the           according to the stated reason.
               issue  to  its  examples,  the
               Islamic  ruler  who  is  the               2.  The  Effect  of  the
               legal  guardian  in  Imamia,                  Jurist's Inference in

               has the authority to develop                  Understanding  the
               the  ruling  of  zakat  of                    Subject of the Ruling
               commercial           property-         The issue of consultation has

               desirable or obligatory- on            been changed in accordance
               new  cases  and  that  based           with  the  traditions  and
               on the needs of the society,           customs  of  society.  It  has

               take these determined cases            gone  out  of  that  simple
                                                      state  and  has  become  a
               and  make  the  rich  people
               pay it.                                codified and systematic system.

                  Zakat is one of the things             The people's votes are relied
               that is prescribed by al-justice.      on  in  macro  decisions  so
               In  many  narrations,  the             that    it    is    considered
               reason  for  imposing  zakat           mandatory. With the upward

               is  to  eliminate  poverty  in         trend  of  societal  changes
               the society.                           and  intellectual  evolution,
                  Accordingly, as long as this        new  and  more  appropriate

               reason  is  not  established,          examples will emerge for the
               the  Islamic  ruler  has  the          topic of the consultation.
               right to add other items to               Also,  during  the  era  of

               the  zakat  belongings  in             decline,     the    cases     of
               order  to  eliminate  poverty          obligatory zakat were limited
               at the level of society. It is         and with the change of time
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