Page 200 - Pure Life 32
P. 200
The Requirements of Time and Place… K. Korkmaz and S.H. Abedian (199
It is not possible to rule Tabatabai and Martyr
on the stability and totality Motahari, who believe that
of something; but the rulings the laws of Islam are
are different according to the divided into two groups,
characteristics and conditions fixed and variable and that
of times, places and persons. the variable law refers to
(Muqaddas Ardabili, 2000) the changes of the subject
Among contemporaries, in terms of time and place.
the category of time and (Ref: Sadr, 2000)
place has found its special Ayatollah Boroujerdi also
place. Imam Khomeini presented emphasized the decisive
the theory of jurisprudence role of time and place and
in the administration of the their effects can never be
Islamic government. In neglected in any issue.
expressing the necessity of Sheikh Tussi, in the
paying attention to time Tafsir of Tabiyan, said the
and place in inference, he following about the verse
says: Time and place are “Take from their money”:
two determining elements The verse refers to
in ijtihad. A problem that different properties and
has had a ruling in the past Zakat is collected on
may find a new rule in the different properties.
relations governing politics, The Sheikh Tabarsi said
society and the economy. in “Majma’ al-Bayan” that
Among other contemporary the property that has been
theories that are important identified for a specific
(Tabarsi, 1953)
is the theory of Allameh reason has zakat.