Page 46 - Pure Life 32
P. 46

Conceptual Metaphors of “Selm” Verses… Z. Mirsepasi et al (45

                   •  Analysis No. 3                     Cognitively, the understanding

                   “Who  is  more  unjust             of  the  abstract  concept  of
                   than  one  who  creates            Islam  is  based  on  the
                   falsehood  against  Allah          experienced  situation.  It
                   when  he  has  already             means that for example we

                   been  invited  to  Islam?          are familiar with religion in
                   Allah does not guide the           normal  life,  so  Islam  is

                   unjust people”. (Quran, 61:7)      organized        based       on
                                                      religion.  That  is,  for  a
               There  is  a  conceptual               better understanding  of  the
               metaphor  when  it  is  said           target domain of Islam, the

               “invited       to       Islam”.        source  domain  of  religion
               According to the Charteris-            has been used to convey the
               Black         criteria       for       concept.

               distinguishing  conceptual                Also,     in    terms      of
               metaphor,  in  terms  of               pragmatic  criteria,  Despite
               linguistic criteria, invited to        the  good  news  of  the

               Islam  is  personification;            Messiah         about        the
               because  “being  invited”              appearance  of  the  Prophet
               which  refers  to  something           of  Islam,  and  despite  the
               concrete  in  other  contexts,         fact  that  the  call  of  the

               such  as  being  invited  to  a        Prophet  of  Islam  was
               birthday  party,  refers  to           accompanied  by  “visions”
               “Islam”  which  is  abstract           and     clear    proofs     and

               and  has  created  semantic            miracles,  a  stubborn  and
                                                      opposites  group  stood  up
                                                      and  denied,  and  in  this
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