Page 49 - Pure Life 32
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               48  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 27-60, Autumn. 2022
                  “If they start to talk and          Islam,     they    will    find
               fight with you, do not argue           guidance”       is    also     a
               (with them) and say: I and             conceptual metaphor, too.
               my        followers        have           According         to      the
               surrendered before Allah”.             Charteris-Black  criteria  for

               (Makarem  Shirazi,  1992,              distinguishing  conceptual
               Vol. 2: 475)                           metaphor,  in  terms  of
                  According  to  the  fact            linguistic criteria, surrending

               that “face” is in the source           to  Allah  is  reification;
               domain  of  parts  of  the             because  be  guided  “which
               body,  so  in  this  verse,            in  other  contexts  refers  to

               “submitting to Allah  is the           something  concrete,  for
               movement  of  body  parts              example,  the  child  was
               towards       him”      is     a       guided      to    his    house,

               conceptual metaphor. Also,             pointed  to  surrending  to
               according  to  Lakoff  and             Allah”,  which  is  abstract,
               Johnson's theoretical framework        and a semantic tension has
               it  is  an  orientational  one;        been created.

               based  on  that,  it  is  linked          Cognitively, the understanding
               with the location orientation,         of  the  abstract  concept  of
               which  is  the  result  of             surrending  to  Allah  is

               physical characteristics and           based  on  the  experienced
               the type of function of our            situation.  It  means  that  for
               body      in   the     physical        example  we  are  familiar

               environment.                           with religion in normal life,
                  In the continuation of the          so  surrending  to  Allah  is
               verse,  “If  they  embrace             organized based on religion.
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