Page 48 - Pure Life 32
P. 48

Conceptual Metaphors of “Selm” Verses… Z. Mirsepasi et al (47

               Body  part  metaphors  “are            metonymy         for    human
               perhaps  best  considered  as          existence.

               blends  of  metaphor  and                 Cognitively, the understanding
               metonymy  based  on  some              of  the  abstract  concept  of
               familiar       relations      of       “submitting”  is  based  on

               correspondence of particular           the experienced situation. It
               parts  of  the  body  with             means  that  for  example  in
               particular            actions”.        our  normal  life  We  move

               (Charteris-Black, 2004: 105)           our     face    in    different
                  There  is  a  conceptual            directions, so submitting is
               metaphor  when  it  is  said           organized based on parts of

               “submitted faces to Allah”.            the  body.  That  is,  for  a
               According to the Charteris-            better understanding  of  the
               Black         criteria       for       target  domain  of  “Selm”,

               distinguishing  conceptual             the  source domain  of  parts
               metaphor,  in  terms  of               of  the  body  has  been  used
               linguistic criteria, submitted         to convey the concept.
               faces to Allah is reification;            Also,     in    terms      of

               because  “face”  which  in             pragmatic  criteria,  in  this
               other  contexts  refers  to            verse,  after  explaining  the
               something  concrete,  for              source        of      religious

               example  we  say  he  turned           differences, Allah points to
               his  face  towards  Ali,               the  part  of  this  difference,
               pointed  to  surrendering  to          which  was  the  dispute

               Allah which is abstract and            between Jews and Christians
               created a semantic tension,            with  the  Prophet  of  Islam
               while the face here is also a          and says:
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