Page 136 - Pure Life 33
P. 136

The Position of Intellect in the… S.J. Ebrahimi & H. Sadeqi (135

                  The  First  one is  through         bad,  and  good  out  of  evil.
               the  narrations  reported  by          He  took  intellect  into

               Sheikh Saduq about intellect           consideration  as  the  best
               and its nature.  It has  to be         creature of Allah, as well as
               realized  that  Sheikh  Saduq          the  most  obedient,  the

               would consider the traditions          greatest and the noblest one.
               of  his  book  as  correct  and        Worshiping  is  performed
               believed if he did not reject          through intellect, and rewards

               them.                                  and  punishments  are  given
                  Furthermore, there are some         on  its  basis.  (Ref:  Saduq,
               sentences  about  intellect,           2000:  34-391;  Ibid,  2014,
               its    nature,     duty     and        Vol.  1:  34;  Ibid,  2011,

               function in his writings and           Vol. 1: 12)
               statements  by  which  the                According to him, intellect

               intellect  can  be  defined            is  something  by  which  the
               through  concluding  and               Lord,  the  Merciful,  can  be
               right arranging of which.              worshiped,  and  the  heaven
                  Some of the propositions            obtained      through.     (Ref:

               that may be inferred out of            Majlesi, 1986, Vol. 3: 95)
               the discussions stated or the             He considered the intellect
               traditions narrated by Saduq           as  the  evaluator  for  the

               regarding  the  intellect  are         veracity  of  words  and
               as  follows;  He  considered           deeds, which rules on their
               intellect as Allah's argumentum        correctness  or  wrongness.

               over people and distinguishing         In his opinion, the intellect
               factor  of  honesty  out  of           will  not  be  acceptable  if
               mendacity,  good  out  of              considers something impossible,
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