Page 138 - Pure Life 33
P. 138

The Position of Intellect in the… S.J. Ebrahimi & H. Sadeqi (137

                  The correct word in this            revelation.     (Ibid,    2011 :
                  chapter  is  to  say  we            54,94&164)

                  recognized  God  with                  However,          it       is
                  God; because if we knew             compendiously        able     to
                  Him  through  our  own              know  Almighty  God.  As

                  intellects,    He  Himself          regards,  since  God  is
                  would  bestow  them  upon           unlimited,  it  is  impossible
                  us. (Saduq, 2000: 391)              to  know  Him  in  detail.

                                                      Therefore, intellect consists
                  Stating      the      above-        of  cognitive  ability  in
               mentioned  point,  Sheikh              limited  cases;  but  not  an

               Saduq confessed intellect as           independent  element  to
               one  of  the  ways  to  know           know the entire truths.
               God.  Although  he,  as  like
               as  many  other  scholars,                 1.  The  Position  of  the

               assessed  intellect  as  an                   Theoretical and Prctical
               independent                                   Intellect in Ethics
               epistemological  cause.  But           We comprehend, according

               he  trusted  on  the  scope  of        to  Sheikh  Saduq’s  total
               intellect's impact and stated          works and thoughts, paying
               that  everything  within  its          of  his  special  attention  to

               domain can be comprehended             intellect,  its  function  and
               by which. (Ibid: 79)                   plenty  of  applied  rational
                  In  his  viewpoint,  the            arguments  in  theoretical

               human  intellect  is  not  able        intellect, e.g.
               to  perceive  all  truths  with           In the book  “Ma’ani al-
               no  association  with  divine          Akhbar”, the relevant chapter
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