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               138  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 131-167, Winter. 2023
               to  the  hadith  of  Qadir,               Therefore,  this  is  what
               Sheikh  Saduq  benefited  by           the Prophet intended by His

               rational     deduction      and        following statement:
               apprehension  in  rejecting               “Whoever  I  am  his
               the various lexical meanings              Mawla, Ali is his Mawla

               of  the  term  Mawla,  except             too”. (Saduq, 1983: 162)
               for  being  the  owner  of
               obedience,  and  said,  it  is            In     another      portion,

               not justified for the Prophet          responding the question on
               to  say,  whoever  I  am  the          why did not the Prophet, in
               cousin of, Ali is his cousin           hadith  of  Qadir,  explicitly

               too; because it was entirely           express  Ali's  appointment
                                                      as caliph in such a way no
               well-known and crystal clear
               whereas  its  repeating  was           room  for  any  discussion

               futile  and  useless  act  for         left  later  on?  Saduq  wrote,
               Muslims.                               It      is     likely       that
                  Additionally,  it  is  not          contemplating of implication
               justified  to  mean  the  term         has  been  entrusted  to  the

               Mawla as the consequence,              great  thinkers  in  order  to
               the  back  or  the  front;             deliberate on words. (Ibid: 168)
               because  it  involves  neither            Saduq declared the ability

               meaning nor benefit. However,          of  practical  intellect  to
               we  find  permissible  out  of         figure out the good and bad
               the  language  when  man               (Husn  va  Qubh)  of  things;

               says,  he/she  is  my  Mawla;          (Ibid, 2000, Chapter 61: 629)
               while  he/she  is  the  man’s          But  it  is  not  thorough
               owner of obedience.                    cognition       because       in
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