Page 154 - Pure Life 33
P. 154

The Position of Intellect in the… S.J. Ebrahimi & H. Sadeqi (153

                  We  believe  that  is  not          His authorities have clearly
                  (rationally) permitted for          stated on His behalf.

                  the promised savior to be              In  other  words,  the
                  other  than  Imam Mahdi,            Prophet      and      infallible
                  even though His occultation         Imams          i.e.      divine

                  is too prolonged. (Saduq,           authorities,     could      not
                  1993: 96)                           rationally  lie  and  make
                                                      wrong  promises  because  it
                  Then       he       clarified       necessitates leading towards

               regarding      this    rational        astray  which  is  bad  for
               impermissibility as follows:           Allah.

                  Because the Prophet and                Therefore, divine authorities
                  infallible Imams referred           must  be  truthful  in  their
                  to  Him  through  His               promises,  and  it  is  not
                  name and lineage, and to            logically lawful to be other

                  Him  they  stipulated  in           than  the  son  of  Imam
                  their  context  (Nas)  and          Hassan  Askari,  one  who
                  to  Him  they  gave  good           has  already  been  appointed

                  tidings. (Ibid)
                                                      through  explicit  denote  of
                  We will figure out if pay           context  as  the  promised

               our  close  attention  to  the         savior,  and  this  is  an
               argument       expressed     by        intellectual  impermissibility
               Saduq,  that  he  did  not             not legislative (Shar’iyah).
               logically consider permissible            Not  only  in  the  above-

               if     Allah      does      not        mentioned  examples  but
               implement  based  on  what             also in many other ones, it
                                                      can  be  conceivable  that
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