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               152  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 131-167, Winter. 2023
                  to  generalize  the  whole          meanings  of  particulars.
                  acts    based     on     this       (Ref: Syedwakili, 2013: 151)

                  proposition,  no  matter               So, how do some people,
                  we know their causes or             despite     admitting      their
                  not. (Saduq, 2000: 396)             inability to comprehend the

                                                      causes  of  divine  actions,
                  Just as, if a father, whose         cast  doubt  on  Allah’s
               being  wise  and  just  are            wisdom  and  justice,  which
               confirmed,  is  found  in              affirmed  for  all,  by  simply

               progress to cut off a limb of          being  oppose  of  nature
               his child while no reason is           while  itself  is  deserved  of

               found  for,  it  would  not  be        questioning?
               allowed  to  violate  him;                 Saduq     stipulated     on
               because  there  is  certitude          generality      of     rational
               on his regarding expediency,           judgment          and        its

               good judgment and decision             impossibility  to specify  as:
               for his child.                         Because  there  is  neither
                  This  is  the  same  about          dereliction  of  the  intellects

               Allah’s  acts,  whose  being           about  one species, and not
               all-wise  and  all-just  are           for  the  other  ones,  nor
               evidently       proven       by        specification  about  one

               arguments to us. Because as            genus, and not for the other
               Sheikh  Saduq  said:  We               ones. (Saduq, 2000: 396)
               recognized our own inability              In one another chapter of

               to  know  the  causes  of              “The  book  Itiqadat”,  he
               objects  and  dereliction  to          dealt  with  Mahdism  and
               dominantly comprehend the
                                                      Imam Mahdi and said:
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