Page 177 - Pure Life 33
P. 177
176 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
He also assumed that the (2) The universe is
world-as-a-whole has isotropic; this means
properties such as uniform uniform distribution of
distribution of matter all matter in all directions.
over space, static behavior,
constant density, and the (3) The universe is
like. (Ref: Lightman and uniform; that is, all parts of
Brawer, 1990: 2) the universe have similar
Also, Friedmann’s solution characteristics.
of Einsteins’s equations, as (4) The laws of nature are
the solution which makes and have always been
the infrastructure of all the similar throughout the
modern cosmological models, universe.
is based on the following
important simplifying All of these
hypotheses as the presuppositions, which are
properties of the world-as- in one way or another
a-whole: approved by the cosmic
(1) The universe is data, might add up to
homogeneous; within the produce the Cosmological
homogeneous universe the Principle or the Copernican
matter is uniformly Principle: The world is
distributed, resulting in a both homogeneous and
constant density for the isotropic. In such a
universe. universe all points and
directions are more or less
equivalent, and thus there